Tree of Life Art

After my ex-voto workshop with Keith Achepohl, having made my piece for gratitude for prayers answered, I set this art in my studio.  It percolated and vibrated and informed my new canvas for more healing.  

When we simply juxtapose ideas or colors or fabrics or foods or layers we can recognize patterns which we always work with.  I speak of soulful patterns, those which guide and guard and beckon us to our next phase and even a new level of daily existence.  As I work this canvas, Tree of Life ideas come through.

Globally, throughout multiple cultures and philosophies, the Tree of Life template overlays much of our connectedness with the cosmic spiritual spacial order.  As sensate human beings, we host our own unique health-giving vibratory Tree of Life within our energetic chakra systems.  We all have this.  The balancing quest is to have our major chakras spinning and living and imbuing our systems in a balanced way.  

Nothing is ever equal, ever balanced, but it is a nice endeavor.

Tree of Life Process detail

Tree of Life process detail



These are a few puzzle pieces of my Tree of Life painting-in-process. Parts of it actually disturb me, and that makes it an energetic quest to realize why and how I can create a more soothing soulful piece of art, because that is what I am doing right now.

Todays prompt is to consciously acknowledge what works you, has always worked you, and will continue to work you from your depths, simple to bring you to your place of peaceful embrace.

Live your Light!